Who We Are

We consider ourselves family, even though we aren’t technically!
We have been best friends for over 30 years!!

Audra Adams

Audra was raised in a singing family that owned a tour bus and traveled full time for 30 years! She has been on stage, both for singing and acting, her entire life. Live Tv, film, hosting, commercials, theatre, vocalist for dozens of studio projects, photo-shoots and production are her specialties. Trained in NYC to be a Teaching Artist For Dancing Classrooms, Audra continues to expand her knowledge of the Arts!

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Daniel Midkiff

Daniel traveled with Audra and the group for 10 years as a sound technician, while still keeping his feet in design and photography. He continued to spend over 20 years in print design and production, website design, project management, where he produced content used for world-wide events! Danel’s skill and eye for photography grew in those years as he conducted countless photo-shoots, studied lighting, different editing platforms, and gear! In 2017 he became a certified yoga instructor, one of his other passions. Versatility is one of his greatest strengths.

Through the experiences of performing to thousands, recording dozens of studio projects, live TV, video productions, photography, graphic design, as well as digital and print media, their real-life journeys have led them to have a truly versed and unique perspective on so many types of content development!

- Ireland Headrick, Buena Vista Life Magazine

Contact Us

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